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Nick's Story

Nick is an alum of Covenant House New Jersey. His story is one of resilience, discovery, and advocacy within the LGBTQ+ community. Nick first came out during his early high school years. His announcement was met with a neutral, if not indifferent, reaction from his mother. This response led Nick to further question his sexuality and gender identity, a journey complicated by his battles with depression and anxiety.   

High school was a period of intense self-exploration for Nick, filled with the pressure of academic responsibilities and the pursuit of understanding his true self. He found solace and insight through friends, girlfriends, and various online resources, despite the pervasive negative perceptions and stigma.    

Living in an abusive home environment compounded Nick's struggles. Safety was a constant concern, forcing him to keep his true self hidden. The support from his school and, later, therapists was crucial. It was a supportive therapist who encouraged Nick to come out to his mother as transgender, recognizing the strong feelings of dysphoria and suicidal ideation he was experiencing. Unlike his earlier revelation of being gay, which was met with mild concern, Nick's transgender identity was outright rejected. His mother accused his therapist of brainwashing him, leading to the dismissal of both the therapist and Nick's caseworker.    

Once he turned 18, Nick's life took a more positive turn. His mother began to educate herself about transgender issues, thanks to knowledgeable health care providers. Nick was finally able to explore his identity with a gender therapist and began hormone therapy. This period marked a significant transformation, both physically and emotionally, as his mother slowly came to accept and support his transition. During this time, Nick found housing stability at Covenant House.  

Today, Nick says that Covenant House provided him with invaluable support that is deserving to every single youth who walks through their doors — “a therapist to ensure my mental healing; gender-affirming medical care, and a nurturing, supportive environment for me to live. Living there taught me that regardless of who I am or what I've been through, my life is valuable, just like the lives of every other young person at Covenant House,” said Nick.   

He lives independently with his wife, who is also transgender and whom he helped to come out. Professionally, Nick works full time as a data analyst at Johnson & Johnson, a challenge he also took on while pursuing a degree part time. His role as an advocate within the Open & Out employee resource group at J&J allows him to amplify the intersectionality of trans lives, particularly focusing on the challenges of Black trans experiences.      

Nick emphasizes the importance of listening to trans people and their stories, advocating for empathy and understanding. He believes that “the moment society stops listening is the moment it allows and tolerates the dehumanization of trans people.”    

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