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Veronica's Story

Veronica says she “witnessed and experienced the value of helping others as a result of being a part of the population that we serve.” She has been a mortgage underwriter in downtown Detroit since 2014 and plays a key role in changing people’s lives, not only at work with helping people make one of the most important purchases, but also in her roles as a board member at Covenant House Michigan.  

Veronica became homeless at the age of 21 and stayed at Covenant House Michigan for six months, moving through the shelter program. Covenant House Michigan provided stability while she established full time employment with Quicken Loans and helped her get her first car. Since she left the program, Veronica has continued her professional growth while climbing the corporate ladder. She also became a first-time mom last year! Today she shares, “My experience, as it relates to my larger life story, is whatever I went through in regards to being homeless or in an abusive relationship, I am able to use that to my good and help other people just know that this won’t always be. There is always a brighter side.” 

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