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Anthony's Story

Some things are burned into our memories. For Anthony, it’s the face of the intake worker at Covenant House Texas who, when he arrived there after sleeping for weeks under a bridge and behind a school, hugged him before saying a word. That was when, Anthony recalls, “I knew I would make it.” Unconditional love is more than a catch phrase at Covenant House; it’s how we welcome and accompany every young person who walks through our doors. With the support he received at Covenant House, Anthony got a job, went to college, and, ultimately, fulfilled his dream to become a medical doctor – today he is Dr. Anthony Sutton. Since medical school at UT Houston Medical School, Dr. Sutton has consistently been involved in speaking, mentorship, and community outreach. He has spoken to over 100,000 students all across the United States, feeling that his true calling is to bring out the potential nestled inside every individual. He is the author of the book, See It Through: HUSTLE for Success, which shows how anyone can overcome any situation. 

Dr. Sutton reflects proudly, “Because of my time at Covenant House, I remained sensitive to the young people around me, especially those without opportunities. So, I started an organization to help prepare young people for med school, and today, I’ve helped over eight hundred young adults to become medical professionals and give back to their communities. And now my three children also are engaged in careers of service: my daughter is a nurse practitioner, one’s a teacher, and my son recently finished law school.” 

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